June 15, 2014

US Senate is concerned about Internet 'malvertising'

The US Senate issued a report on the problems with Internet/online ad networks that are distributing malware to unsuspecting consumers.  The investigation was conducted by the Committee on Homeland Security's Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, which stated the objective was to raise consumer awareness and pressure ad networks to clean up the problems.  The report is called "Online Advertising and Hidden Hazards to Consumer Security and Data Privacy" dated May 15, 2014.  Senator Carl Levin and Senator John McCain led the committee.

At least some attention is being brought to this problem; it's a start.  Now let's see what kind of results they can achieve.  Sorry for my pessimism but I'm not going to be holding my breadth on this.  Unless they are able to exact financial repercussions onto the networks, in my opinion little will be changed.

A PDF of the report is here:

You can also find the transcripts from the associated hearing on May 15, 2014 here:

Citing:  Credit to Spyware Sucks blog who highlighted this report. Go check out his blog, he has interesting posts there.